Dynamics 365 Relevance Search

365 introduces Relevance Search as an alternate to the older global search (now called Categorised Search).

Per entity you can choose to include in this new search mechanism, and you can choose which columns to include (via tailoring the simple search view).

The chosen columns from records from the chosen entities are indexed into an Azure search index which supports search engine style contextural searches.

Note: Once enabled, it takes some time for the search data to be indexed.

Additional Comments


As System Administrator, go to Settings, System Administration / System Settings.

On the General tab, Scroll down to 'Set Up Search'.

Set the new flag 'Enable Relevance Search'


Choosing which entity to include

Within a deployable solution, click on Entities.

Observe a new button 'Configure Relevance Search' in the solution ribbon (right hand side).

This allows you to choose which Entities are included in the search. Against each is the number of fields indexed by the search, this is the number of fields included in the 'Quick Find View' find criteria.

You can add/remove entities.

Beware including a noisy entity might fill up your search results.

All enabled entities will appear in the Availiable Entities list (see heading below).


Enabling which entities CAN be included

There is also a flag 'Can enable sync to external search index' under Managed Properties in the ribbon when you are in an entity under a solution.

This cant be changed for 3rd party (including Microsoft) entities, but can be for unmanaged entities.

If this is turned off, the Entity does not appear in the list of Availiable entities.

It seems to be turned on by default.


Tailoring which columns

Edit the Quick Find View for each entity.

Use the Add Find Columns button to manage the columns searched.

(Use the Add/Remove View Columns buttons to include/exclude fields from the result display).



At time of writing it was not confirmed if the relevance search configuration is deployed with a solution. It is assumed that it is.


User Choice

Under a users Options (cog icon right hand side), General, there is a dropdown 'Default Search Experience'.

This allows the user to toggle between the search types, and a 'Use last search' (default) option.

Whenever you do the global search, the requisite search will be used. You can choose to use the other search method from the search result screen.

